What better Cake Pops to make for Earth day this year then little “Earth’s” 🙂 These were pretty easy! I think you can do it!! Check it out!
Here is what you will need to make these Earth Day Cake Pops:
Cake Dough
Easy roller …optional – but we recommend it;)!
Blue Candy Melts, 2 shades of green and white candy melts
piping bag
small white sprinkles
bowl for dipping
First I rolled a quick batch of cake dough (What is cake dough? Take a look here!) in the Easy Roller of course;) If you haven’t seen it, here is a 30 second demo!
Then dip them in a “sky blue”
Next get your piping bag …aka ziplock sandwich bag 😉 and start dabbing on some green candy melts! Don’t worry too much about the shapes of your continents or their placement, it will all turn out OK:)!
Next just go over your land masses in a lighter shade of green to add a little dimension.
Wait for that all that business to dry and then get out some white candy melts. Make sure to put some wax paper down to catch drips and then squeeze the white candy melts and twist your cake pop! It should look like this:
Then quickly add your white sprinkles for Clouds!
Now just keep on going! How many lil Earth’s are you going make?!
Of course you will need a cute cake pop stand to display them in, so check out KC Bakes:)!