Protein Bites by HCP Easy Roller and New Mini Easy Roller!
Looking for a delicious wholesome snack that will stay with you for a while? Try these Protein Bites! They are packed full of all the best ingredients for a healthy lifestyle. Oh, and they are NO BAKE!! Here is what you will need:
- 1 cup dry oatmeal
- 2/3 cup coconut flakes
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 1/2 cup ground flaxseed
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1 TBSP chia seeds
- 1 tsp. Vanilla extract
Mix all ingredients together in the food processor to combine. Let it sit in the fridge for about a half hour and knead again until pliable.
Then just roll into balls! To speed up the process try our Easy Roller or new Mini Easy Roller! All you do is fill the included measuring frame with the mixture
Make sure it fits tight. Touching all four sides.
Put it on the Easy Roller or Mini Easy Roller to be cut with the lid into strips. Then turn those strips the other way and slide 2 or 3 times!
The Easy Roller (Pictured) rolls 21 balls at a time, the new Mini Easy Roller will roll 9!
And Enjoy:)!
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