I was recently given the opportunity to Review AND give-a-way Noel’s (from the Cake Poppery on Facebook) Newest Cake Pop Book, The Art Of Cake Pops!
This book really has it all! It is so detailed and has so much useful information I just couldn’t put it down. I would have saved so much cake, so many candy melts, so much time and so much aggravation if only I would have had access to this knowledge from the start!!
I must say, we do things different, him and I, but mainly because Noel went to culinary school where as I only wish I did;)! This book is not only full of extremely helpful tips and tricks, pages and pages of beautiful/ different cake pop designs, but he has also included his tested and most guarded until now CAKE RECIPES:)!!!
If you are just starting to make cake pops then this book is a must read, hurry up and click here to order;)! If you have been making cake pops for a few months or even a few years or are somewhere in-between, then this book is also a must read, even if you just pick it up to get a peek at all the awesome & original cake pop designs!! Like the Owl’s I just made:)!
Check out these “teasers”
Yum Right?! Wouldn’t these cinnamon roll cake pops be amazing with a “snickerdoodle” cake as the base?!
…Or get Ready for Summer with these “Sand Pail Cake Pops”
…And there are 73 more amazing designs:)!!
I am sure you will learn something new or helpful that you didn’t already know~ I know I did… I wonder what is left for his next book coming out in Feb/2014:)!?
Now for the Give-a-way!!
To be qualified you must like The Cake Poppery Page on Facebook and to enter, just submit your email below! Winner will be drawn at random soon:) International entrants Welcome:
CONGRATS to Entrant #472: Erica Thornton!! We have sent you an Email:)