How to make Easy Mummy Cake Pops
It’s cake time! Whether it store bought, your favorite box mix, or completely made from scratch, any baked cake will work. Once it is baked, pop it into the food processor or stand mixer and turn it on till it looks like dough. (Or crumble and knead the cake by hand) Like this:
Once you have cake dough, roll it up into little balls! You can do this by hand or in one of our Easy Rollers! Here is our Newest Mini Easy Roller in Action:
Next you will need some cake pop sticks, melted almond bark or candy melts and your cake balls of course! Melt the Almond Bark at 50% power for 1 minute and take out to stir. If it is not completely melted, put it back into the microwave on 50% power for an additional 30 seconds.
Dip your cake pop stick into the candy melts and then into the cake ball. Then dip the entire cake ball into the melted white chocolate. Dip all your cake pops and put them into your favorite cake pop stand to set up.
Now put your remaining white candy melts into a sandwich bag and cut off the tip, about 1/8 of an inch up on the corner. and twist the cake pop as you squeeze out the candy melts. Don’t worry if you are not excellent at piping. Mummy’s look best a little messy 😉
Set them to dry.
Pipe on a few green dots for eyes! These melts were neon green candy melts from Wilton. Then I added a little dot in the center …I thought I was using grey candy melts, o’well;)!
Yummy Mummies all boxed up!
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