Today I have an Easy Christmas Tree Cake Pops for you to try 🙂
This Christmas Tree is just piped hearts upside down!! Don’t know how to pipe a heart?! Easy Tutorial with a short little video HERE!! Â But basically you just pipe 2 dots pretty close together and as you finish the second one, pull down diagonally a bit so the 2 dots meld together. This will form the top and that that little bit you pulled down is the bottom.
To make these Easy Christmas Tree Cake Pops, just form a row of these upside down hearts! Make as many as you would like to form the base. And the big trick is wait for the row to dry before over lapping the next row! Then continue on to the next!  Go all the way till you have just 1 upside down heart  for the top!  Then add a little yellow dot for a “star!”
Spend you time decorating, not rolling cake balls 🙂  We are the creator of the Easy Roller which rolls 21 cake balls at once and the New Mini Easy Roller rolling 9 at a time! This way you can hurry up and get to the fun part… Decorating!! If you have never seen it before, check this out to watch a quick 30 second demo on how it works!  We are having a “Bundle Sale” so you can get the Easy Roller and one of the optional insets 🙂  Check it out
If you like our little tutorials please share our Easy Rollers with you friends and family, it is how we keep them coming 😉