SugarVeil® Icing Sunflower Cake Pops are so easy to make and even more convenient to make now that you can find SugarVeil® Icing /mats at a Michael’s Store near you!
To make these cake pops you will need:
- Doyle SugarVeil® Mat
- Cornstarch for dusting the mat
- SugarVeil® Icing packet
- SugarVeil® Icing Spreader
- Yellow food color
- Parchment paper
- Candy melt disks in chocolate at the color of your flower center
- Button mold (optional)
- Cake
- Cake Pop Sticks
- Wax Paper
- Cake pop stand or Styrofoam to display
Lightly dust the mat with cornstarch
Next mix up the SugarVeil® Icing per the instructions on the back. Then add the desired amount of food coloring
Spread a dollop on the mat
Use the spreader tool to push the SugarVeil® Icing into all the incised lines of the design. Push it back and forth and up and down until the lace design is completely coated.
Once it is coated, taking more SugarVeil® Icing make an even coat covering the entire mat.
Now you can let this air dry probably overnight or stick it on a cookie sheet and place it into the oven at the lowest setting for about 8.5-10 minutes. If you use the oven, with a damp paper towel lightly go over the dried SugarVeil® Icing and leave it on the cookie sheet to completely cool. About another 10 minutes.
When you bend it back like this it should easily pull away from the mat.
Place it upside down on parchment paper and hold down the end with the spreader tool and lift the mat away from the dried SugarVeil® Icing. Then move the spreader further up the SugarVeil® Icing lace and pull back again, repeating until your edible lace is free from the mat.
Now cut out the doile shape!
Put them on a former to dry out a bit and place a candy melt in the center! This is just resting on a foam egg crate.
Let’s get on with the Cake Pops!!
Bake your favorite cake recipe – If you are just making cake pops, one box of cake will make about 30 cake pops (all 1.25 inches in diameter – think ping pong ball size.) You can also take all the tops from a decorated cake, yesterday’s cupcakes, or even a store bought cake! Just crumble and knead it down until it is a pliable dough. (consistency of Play-Doh) You can do it by hand (you also will need a bit of frosting this way), but it is faster if you just put your cake into the mixer or food processor and leave it in there until it turns to dough (if you are mixing the cake this way, you only need frosting if you want to add some extra sweetness or a special flavor).
Next take that dough and roll them into balls. We do this step with the help of the Easy Roller! It can roll an entire cake in no time at all, since it rolls 21 cake balls at one time & they are all the same size! Here is how it works if you haven’t seen or heard of it yet!
…if you don’t make cake pops often but you still would like to make them faster our newest “mini” Easy Roller is now available – it rolls 9 at a time! Once all your cake is rolled into balls dip them into melted candy melts (place the candy melts in a microwave safe container and place it into the microwave on 50% power (or defrost) for 1 minute, take it out of the microwave and stir. Put the bowl back in the microwave at 50% power, in 30 second increments until fluid)!
Tap off the excess and place them on wax paper until the chocolate sets.
Once it has set, you will have a nice little “shelf” to attach your new SugarVeil® flowers.
To attach your SugarVeil® Icing flower just add a dollop of candy melts (Its like glue for cake pops!) to the top of the cake pop, (right on that flat part) and press your flower right on! You can decorate the centers of your flowers with candy melts formed in button molds like the picture below, or just leave the candy melt disk right in the center!
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