Take a look at this fun little video to see how to form these CakePlay Flowers. These are made from Isomalt nibs! Take a look at step one.
Do you love that flower mold? It’s available at CakePlay LLC along with the Isomalt “nibs.”
“Bling Sticks” are available for purchase, but in a pinch you can easily make them! Just use a little Bling ribbon and some hot glue. Check out this Pic-Tutorial!
Then of course you will need some cake, because to make cake pops you need cake pop dough! To make cake dough, simply knead down your fully baked cake until it turns to a doughy consistency. I use a food processor with the chopping blade (metal swirly one). Just pack the baked cake into the food processor (or stand mixer with the paddle attachment) and turn it on till its dough!! Like this:
You can also do that part by hand as well. To get started just add a few TBS of frosting to help move the process along! (In the mixer or food processor the frosting/binding agent is completely optional as it will turn into dough all by itself! Next you will roll the dough you just made into balls!
I like all the cake ballsto be the same size/ shape so I use the Easy Roller or New Mini Easy Roller. It will make the cake balls (or cookies …heck even meatballs) all 1.25 inches in diameter, about the size of a ping pong ball! The Easy Roller Rolls 21 at once and the New “Mini” will roll 9! Here it is, in Action!
Next you will melt your white candy melts or almond bark on 50% power for 1 minute. Take it out of the microwave and stir it. If it is not 90% liquid just pop it back in on 50% power in additional 30 second increments until it is almost completely melted. Then, stir till all the candy lumps have been melted.
Dip your cake pop stick into the candy melts and then into the cake ball. Then submerge the cake pop all the way into the candy melts and tap off any excess and place on a piece of wax paper. As it sets place the Isomalt flower right on top. As the candy melts set it will “glue” it into place!
Look how beautiful these CakePlay Flowers turned out!!
If you like the tutorial don’t forget to check out and share our Easy Roller or new Mini Easy Roller with your coworkers, friends and family! It is how we keep these tutorials coming:)!
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